Monday, February 11, 2008

Is Woz welcoming Microsoft into Danger?

It looks like Danger - which I'm sure I remember being associated with the other Apple founder called Steve: Wozniak - is being snapped up by Microsoft. It would have a touch of irony if Microsoft were to bring out a phone to compete with Apples iPhone, and if a company which his old pal helped get going played a key role in it's development.
Danger developed the phone / pda called the Sidekick, which TMobile sells here in the UK.
It is a very small world this silicon alley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same... what was woz's role in this deal? after finding your comment, i google'd and came across a arstechnica iPhone article in which Woz states "it will revolutionize cell phones, the way people communicate"...

Is it possible Danger just saw the light and sold their old tech to a desperate Microsoft?