Friday, March 07, 2008

The word Apple starts with app

At a glance Apple's March 6 event yesterday seemed a bit techy, lowkey and it probably won't get a mention in much of the press, but I'm quietly excited about  Apple's launch of the tools to build applications for the iPhone . . . but not only that, also a store for buying applications - directly onto your iPhone. The iPhone is a fantastic little package, and runs a great platform (iPhone OSX), now there are great tools for making applications, and a great way of distributing, and for the user getting your apps . . I think Jason from 37 signals could have a point, they have all the ingredients for dominating the coming period of mobile computing - including an allilance with microsoft. And as long as Apple manages to build up the range of apps and sales during this the down part of the economic cycle, they could shoot out the other end like a rocket!
What we saw today was the beginning of two-decades of mobile domination by Apple. What Microsoft and Windows was to the desktop, Apple and Touch will be to mobile
Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals)